CyrilF Logo
A picture portrait of cyrilf
Hello, I'm Cyril.
A freelance Web Developer.
⚡️ Open for any remote freelance opportunities. Reach me out at⚡️


Experiments & creations


Companies I've worked with

Your company name here?

I'm currently open for any remote freelance opportunities. Ecology, sustainability, social, ethics are very important topics to me. I'm now solely interested in missions that reflect these values at their core.


CyrilF (freelance)


A variety of clients and missions over the years. A still ongoing adventure.

  • Nikita - - emails and signatures integration
  • Péli-Mélo - - mobile app on photo-collage creation
  • Hoopop - - mobile app about event creation
  • Les Mains Vertes - - a company website of landscaping
  • Spirkop - - collaborating on various projects

ETCLD (freelance)


Developing tools to simplify the financial workflow and volunteers follow-up in the experimentation


How to reach me